Buy MegaBook 2

MegaBook 2 allows you to quickly and easily create books with page turning animation in Unity. MegaBook 2 will create pages and other objects for your book. You can choose to provide your own page meshes as well and they will be animated as well. You have complete control over the textures and materials used for the pages and there are options to allow you to have background textures and content textures merged with a mask option. You also have complete control over the generated page meshes with options to control the size of the page and how many vertices are used to build it.
This is version 2 of our popular Book creator and animation system. It has been rewritten to take advantage of the big performance gains that Unity Jobs and Unity Burst can add, giving a reduction in CPU usage of between 200% to 300%.

Please note Full Sail is sold under the same license as the Unity Asset Store EULA which you will be asked to agree to before purchase.

MegaBook 2 - Single Seat
Price: $60

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