This modifier allows you to ‘paint’ on a deformation to a mesh where the vertices will be displaced along their normals by a defined brush with size and falloff values.
Vertex Paint Param Description
Size of the brush to paint with.
Amount to move vertices by.
Use Decay
Set to use falloff params below.
Falloff Mode
Type of fall off:
- Gauss – Gaussian bell shaped curve fall off
- Linear – Simple straight falloff
- Point – Very sharp fall off
This value will effect the shape of the falloff curves, higher numbers have a slower fall off in general.
Use Avg Norm
If this is set then vertices will be displace in the direction of the average of all the normals of the faces effected by the brush.
If Use Avg normals is clear then the vertices will be moved in the direction of this normal value.
Paint Mode
How the brush stroke effects the vertex values.
- Add – Brush will add to the vertex values.
- Subtract – Brush will subtract from the vertex values.
- Set – Brush will over write vertex values.
- Multiple – Brush will scale the vertex values.
Vertex Paint Class
public class MegaPaint : MegaModifier
public float radius;
public float amount;
public float decay;
public bool usedecay;
public MegaFallOff fallOff;
public float gaussc;
public bool useAvgNorm;
public Vector3 normal;
public MegaPaintMode mode;
public float radius;
public float amount;
public float decay;
public bool usedecay;
public MegaFallOff fallOff;
public float gaussc;
public bool useAvgNorm;
public Vector3 normal;
public MegaPaintMode mode;