MegaShapes Tutorial 1: Create Simple Loft
The first MegaShapes Tutorial video will guide you through the creation of a simple loft layer. Starting with creating simple shapes and editing them to the creation of the loft object and setting of the params to build the loft. It then goes on to show how 3DS Max shapes can be used and then showing some of the more advanced features of the Simple Loft Layer.
MegaShapes Tutorial 2: Simple Loft Advanced
The second video takes you through the more advanced params for the layer, such as the end capping, the start and length values for using sub sections of the path and cross section splines, and then on to the Offset and scaling curves to tweak and alter the look of the loft easily and finally ending on the cross section transform controls.
At the end of the video you should be able to see how the Simple Loft layer works and then be ready to use that layer as a surface to build on. The next tutorial will show how to add a Clone Layer to build a fence along this surface.
MegaShapes Tutorial 3: Clone Layer
In the third tutorial video we will use the Clone layer to add a fence on top of the grass surface we built in the previous videos. The video covers selecting the surface to build on, using mesh objects for start, end and repeating parts of a fence. It also covers the various params you have to control the positioning of the fence and adjusting its look.
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