First test of a spritemanager style uv modifier, this can be used to alter the section of a texture displayed or to play animations. It is a wip so it may give odd results, for example the texture needs to be a power of 2.
UV Tiles Param Description
Frame or tile to display from sprite sheet.
Tile Width
Width of the tiles on the sheet.
Tile Height
Height of the tiles on the sheet.
Adjust uv positions.
Zoom uv coordinates.
Play back the sprite sheet.
Limit animation to first n tiles.
Desired playback speed.
Flip X
Flip uvs in the x direction.
Flip Y
Flip uvs in the y direction.
UVTiles Class
public class MegaUVTiles : MegaModifier
public int Frame;
public int TileWidth;
public int TileHeight;
public Vector2 off;
public Vector2 scale;
public bool Animate;
public int EndFrame;
public float fps;
public bool flipy;
public bool flipx;
public int Frame;
public int TileWidth;
public int TileHeight;
public Vector2 off;
public Vector2 scale;
public bool Animate;
public int EndFrame;
public float fps;
public bool flipy;
public bool flipx;
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