Click the Image above to play a little video showing a few of the many features of MegaFiers.
MegaFiers is a complete and very advanced mesh deformation and animation system written in C# for Unity3D that works on all platforms be it PC, Mac, webplayer or iPhone or Android devices and also works in Unity Free version. MegaFiers comes complete with more than 40 modifiers that can be applied individually or stacked up on any mesh or skinned mesh to deform and animate the shape.
Nearly 50 Modifiers are included with effects such as Bend, twist, stretch, FFD, path deform, Noise, Melt, ripple, Morph, Point Cache, page flip etc. MegaFiers also has world space warps allowing you to easily add effects to an area that will automatically effect your game objects as they move near and through that region. And with the ability to stack modifiers on top of one another there is no end to effects that can be achieved and animations that were previously only available in high end rendering packages are now available to your game in real-time. The system is highly optimized and can take full use of multiple core CPU’s be it on PC, Mac or mobile devices and the system can be extended easily by writing simple classes for the effect you need and new modifiers and systems are always being released with exciting addons such as physics based modifiers for soft body etc being released monthly.
Also MegaFiers comes with the most advanced Morphing system available for Unity allowing you to bring the power and ease of morphed meshes to your games, you no longer need to be limited by the number of bones per vertex allowed and your artist can enjoy the complete freedom and total control that morphs allow compared to boned animations alone, plus the morph system can be used alongside bone based animation to bring extra detail, or use the ease of morphs to customize your game characters or build a complete avatar system. The morphing system allows for unlimited channels and unlimited targets per channel. And with exporters for 3DS Max, Maya, Blender and Lightwave as well as support for OBJ files getting your morphs into Unity is just a couple of clicks. Also included is support for Di-O-Matics advanced Morph-O-Matic morph system for 3DS Max so giving the artist even more advanced tools to bring even more amazing animations to your game.
Vertex Animation
And if that isn’t enough also included is a point cache vertex animation system allowing you to import very complex baked animations into Unity and use them on your objects, the system supports all the major industry file formats such as .pc2 .mdd and .mc files so now your artist can go to town on their animation knowing again it will be a couple of clicks to see that animation in Unity.
A new feature to MegaFiers are Vertex selection modifiers, these allow you to limit the area and amount of a deformation to selected and weighted vertices, the rubber modifier for example uses this to define areas that are rubbery and how stiff they are, but you can now have a selection modifier anywhere in the stack that will effect all modifiers that happen after it, so you can bend a corner of a mesh or apply noise to regions of a mesh. You can choose from various selection modifiers such as Vertex Color based or Volume based with more being added.
What are warps? Warps are deformations that happen in world space, they cam be thought of as area of deformation and if you move an object that has a binding to the area then that object will deform as it moves through the area. These are very useful as you don’t have to worry about scripting values of modifiers as objects move about so you can have a ripple warp happening in your world and when you bind your game object to that you can freely move the object over the rippling surface and have the mesh deform automatically.
UV Modifiers
MegaFiers also allows for deformation or manipulation of UV coords on meshes and comes with a couple of modifiers to allow you to rotate, translate, scale uvs, and when used with vertex selections allows you to update entire meshes or areas of a meshes uvs to change how something looks, another modifier allows you to setup tile based animations like a sprite system. Again more modifiers are being worked on.
Playmaker Actions
If you are a PlayMaker user we do have a complete set of Actions for PlayMaker available for MegaFiers, it has over 50 Actions for the modifiers in the MegaFiers system. You can buy the actions Here
MegaShapes Basic
MegaFiers also comes with a complete spline system which is the basic version of our other Unity Asset MegaShapes, the basic version included with MegaFiers includes all the bezier spline systems so you get the exporter for Max and Maya to easily brings your splines into Unity as well as SVG import support, you can then turn those splines into meshes with the basic meshing options of fill, or tube, box or ribbon extrudes and you get scripts to easily allow objects to move along splines. Also included are the dynamic hose system which allows you to quickly and easily connect any two points with a dynamic rubber hose and the tracked vehicle system which allows you to make animated tracks for vehicles such as tanks.
Get MegaFiers
To get MegaFiers click the image below to go to our store or click the Store option in the side Menu.
How to use
To add a modifier to a mesh you first need to add the ‘Modify Object’ component to the object which you can do by selecting the ‘Component’ menu then ‘Modifiers’ and finally ‘Modify Object’ after that you can select which modifier you want to add by going to the Component/Modifiers menu. When applied you will see a box around you object this is the gizmo for the effect and as you alter the params you will see the effect not only on the mesh but also on this gizmo. You can alter the display properties of this gizmo via the inspector as outlined in the ‘Common’ topic.
Each modifier can be enabled or disabled at anytime and each modifier and the order each effect is applied can be changed if needed.
If you aren’t planning on having any modifications happen in game and are just deforming meshes then you can delete all the modifier scripts once you are happy with a deformation and just be left with a deformed mesh.
Included Modifiers
World Space Warps
Bubble Cylindrify FFD 2x2x2 FFD 3x3x3 FFD 4x4x4 Globe Hump |
Melt Sinus Curve Spherify Squeeze Waving Z Stretch |
All code is copyright Chris West 2013 and any use outside of the Unity engine is not permitted.
Android Benchmark Test App
We have published on the Google Play store a quick Benchmark demo for the MegaFiers mesh modifier system. You can use this to look at some of the deformations available in the system as well as to see the performance on various devices.
The demo scene contains 100,000 vertices in the 7 heads so it is very much a stress test of the system on mobile devices so you can get an idea of the performance of the system on your device, but as I say bare in mind each head is 15,000 vertices.
You can turn the animation on each head on and off by tapping the head, or you can turn off a head completely by tapping and holding. The frame rate for the scene is shown in the top left corner along with the timing of the frame. You also have options to enable the multitasking in MegaFiers to increase performance and also toggle shadows on and off. Note: Shadows can be very slow on lower end devices.
This is version 1 of the Benchmark, we will be adding more modifiers and different scenes to try in future updates, please do report any bugs and let us know any FPS you would like to share.
You can get the Demo on the Google Play Store
Videos from our Youtube channel
Below is the complete collection of videos from our Youtube channel showing the tutorial, guides and features videos for MegaFiers with a few of our other systems scattered amongst them.
Promo Video
Quick video showing some selected features from the MegaFiers system.
Video Tutorials
A selection of the many video guides to the systems in MegaFiers, nearly every page of the website has a video guide to the features of the component the web page is about so you can get a full feel of what it can do, we have over 100 video guides and a small selection are below.
MegaFiers Tutorial 1: Attach objects to a Deforming Mesh
MegaFiers Tutorial 2: Bend Modifier
MegaFiers Tutorial 3: Stretch Modifier
Video Showing general usage
This is a starter guide to some of the modifiers how to use them and some of the effects they provide. It starts with a base object then shows the process of adding modifiers to a mesh, using regions, stacking multiple effects and using world warps.
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