This is a quick general purpose UV modifier, you can change the uv offset, tiling amount and rotation of uvs. This will be improved in later versions to work on submeshes and other features. Use the Gizmo Pos, Rot and Scale values along with the values shown below to alter the UVs on the mesh.
UV Adjust Param Description
Use speed values to alter uv coords.
Rot Speed
How fast uv will rotate when animate is on.
How fast uvs will translate when animate is on.
Amount of spiral to add to the uv rotate.
Spiral Lim
Angular limit of spiral when Animate is on.
UVAdjust Class
public class MegaUVAdjust : MegaModifier
public bool animate;
public float rotspeed;
public float spiralspeed;
public Vector3 speed;
public float spiral;
public float spirallim;
public bool animate;
public float rotspeed;
public float spiralspeed;
public Vector3 speed;
public float spiral;
public float spirallim;
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