Terrain Plugin News

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We have made our Terrain Plugin available for a limited period of time at 50% off so $99 Grab it while you can. Limited number available once they have gone price will go back.

3DS Max Terrain Plugin 50% off
Price: $99

Enter your email address

Max 2023 Version Available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2023 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2023.

Max 2022 Version Available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2022 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2022.

Small Update

There is a new version of the Plugin available, this fixes an issue importing kml/kmz files not working correctly if the system is using a comma for a decimal point as opposed to a full stop. So if you are seeing small flat terrains when importing a kml file get the new version from the store page.

New Version available

After the USGS turned of the Elevation data source we have located a new data source of 1arcsecond of 30m data for the whole SRTM area so three times the resolution for areas outside the US (The US area already had an option for 3om data). We have released an updated version of the Plugin and the Demo version that uses this new data source so please visit the store page if you own the full version and enter your email address in the box at the bottom for a new download link.
If on running the new version files do not download then reset the Cache by clicking the Cache Path button in the rollup and selecting a new directory, that will reset the Cache system correctly.
The new version supports Max 2015 to 2021.

Max 2021 Version available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2021 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2021.

Max 2020 Version available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2020 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2020.

GE7 & Pro texture grabbing

Now that Google Earth 6 is no longer working some users of the Terrain plugin are having trouble getting the texture grabbing to work with GE 7 and GE Pro. If you are having a problem then you may need to re register the GE COM server, to do this open a cmd window and go to the folder where the GoogleEarth.exe is. Then type ‘googleearth /RegServer’ then close the cmd window. The texture grabbing system should now be able to find GE correctly and grab your image.

Max 2019 Version available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2019 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2019.

Max 2018 Version available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2018 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2018.

Max 2017 Version available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2017 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2017.

Google Earth 7 Users

If you are using GE 7 with the Terrain plugin and the texture grab is not working then it is due to the registry keys not being set correctly when GE 7 installs, you can fix that by uninstalling GE 7 and install GE 6 from Google that will correct the registry settings. You can then install GE 7 again if you want to though we suggest using GE 6 as you can turn of the elevation data completely in 6 which makes for faster grabs and in some cases a slight improvement in quality.

Max 2016 Version available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2016 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2016.

New Version Available

We have just released an update for our Terrain plugin for 3DS Max. In this update we have added a beta feature that allows you to add your own DEM data to be used by the plugin, a ‘User’ folder can be found in the Cache directory and in there you can place DEM files to use instead of streaming the files from the web or using the cached versions. This allows you to add in any missing coverage areas such as north of 60 degrees or use higher res data if you have it.

    Increased the range of the Tile Grab Size param.
    Added Beta feature or being able to add your own tile data to the ‘User’ folder in off the Terrain Cache folder. This allows you to add any missing data or override the streamed DEM files with your own version or updated version.

Max 2015 Version available

We have just updated the Terrain Plugin to work with the 2015 version of 3DS Max. If you visit the store page and enter the email used for the purchase you can get the latest version now. The demo download also includes a demo version for 2015.

Update to Plugin to fix license system freezes

We have just uploaded a bug fix for the 3ds max Terrain plugin. A recent set of Windows updates had caused issues with the licensing system we are using for the plugin causing it to hang on startup. This has been fixed now so if you were having that problem with the plugin or in the past had to load the plugin via the Plugin Manager then this update will fix those issues for you. To get the latest version just visit the store page and enter your email address you used for the purchase and a new download link to the latest version will be sent out to you.

Version 1.04 released and Beta version of 2014 version

We have just uploaded a small update to the plugin, this sees improvements to the KML/KMZ import system so that KML files with single placemarks will now work instead of producing very small or broken terrains. We have also change the mesh building pipeline for KML based terrains so the difference in scaling and size issues that were present have been removed and functions such as Zooming that did no work with kml based terrains will do so now. We have also change the limits on some of the params. And we have the first beta of the plugin for 2014 versions of Max.

    KML and KMZ importer has been improved, will now work correctly with single placemarks, and scaling of the resulting import will be correct.
    In previous versions KML based terrains did not zoom correctly and used a different system to build the terrains, this has now been removed so uses the same pipeline as normal terrains, so functions such as zooming work correctly on KML based terrains. NOTE this could cause exisiting KML based terrains to change size dependant on settings.
    Some of the limits on params have been raised
    Bet version of 2014 version

Small update to 2013 versions

Due to Autodesk switching over to Unicode for strings in the 2013 a bug arose which caused the license and config file, ‘lumpy.dat’ to be saved in the wrong place, this could lead to the plugin asking for the license key each time it was run, this has been fixed now.

Terrain Beta for 3DS Max 2013 available now

We have just made available the beta of 3ds Max 2013 versions of the Terrain Plugin, you will find both 32 and 64 bit versions available in the demo and full version download packages, if you have already purchased the Terrain plugin you just need to submit your email address on the store page to get access to the new version. Also included in the full version of the plugin is the beta of the Unity scripts to allow easy importing of terrains generated by the plugin and its texture as well as allowing importing of Terragen files into Unity.

Using the Plugin with Unity

I have been doing some custom scripts for Unity to make using the data generated by the plugin very easy. It allows easy importing of the elevation data and will apply the texture if you want it to, you can scroll around the data, zoom in and the texture will move correctly etc, you can also change the terrain detail level. If anyone has any suggestions or features please do let me know. A video of the new system is below. The scripts will be available very soon to all customers of the Plugin.

Unity Terrain test

As a little break from support requests I played some more with the Unity Terrain system and our Terrain plugin. The grabs below are all from one terrain exported from the system to Unity.

Version 1.02 Releases

A new version of the Terrain plugin is now available, if you have purchased the system just go to the store page and fill in the form to get the new version. After installing the latest version you will be asked to enter your license Key again. We have improved the licensing system to make it more flexible, easy to use and not have the problems some users were experiencing with having to keep entering keys etc. Other changes to this update sees the inclusion of the KML importer to allow you to easily match up your terrains to locations you have exported from Google Earth, there is a video showing this new feature below. There are some bug fixes namely when loading a saved terrain the material was changed, this has been fixed, also loading and saving of location files has been fixed to.

KML Importer

Changes in Version 1.02

    New Licensing system which works a lot better.
    Loading a terrain back in will keep the material instead of removing it.
    Location files save and load correctly.
    KML importer added.

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