Morph Link

The morph link system allows you to drive morph deformations from bone or gameobject positions and or rotations. This is perfect if you want to have biceps bulge on your character automatically if he bends his arm, or add extra expression to your facial animations as your face bones move. It is a layered based system so you can drive multiple morph effects from one Morph Link component, you can add and delete links as you need them. For each link you can choose the bone to watch as well as to watch the rotation, position, scale of that object and the axis, and to get non linear effect you can define the amount a morph channel responds via a curve for complete control and advanced effects.

Morph Link Param description


The morph you want to control with the system.

Add Link

Click to add a new link to the system, you can use the Delete button on each link to remove a link from the system.

Link Params

Each link has it’s own set of params to control how it interacts with the morph.


Is this link running, useful if you want to disable an effect.


The morph channel you wish to control with this link.


The gameobject transform to use to drive the link.


Which part of the targets transform will be used to control the link. Options for this are:

    Position – World position value
    LocalPosition – Local position value
    Rotation – World euler angle value
    LocalRotation – Local euler angle value
    Scale – World Scale value
    DotRotation – The dor product of the target local rotation and the defined start rot value
    Angle – Angle between the target local rotation and the defined start rot
    RotationXY – Angle between the XY plane and the defined start rot
    RotationXZ – Angle between the XZ plane and the defined start rot
    RotationYZ – Angle between the YZ plane and the defined start rot


The axis to use for values such as world position or euler angle sources.


Read only value showing the current value of the selected source.


The minimum value for the source, the morph amount will be the percentage the value is between the min and max values.


The maximum value for the source, the morph amount will be the percentage the value is between the min and max values.


You can define the range of the morph channel percent using the low and high vales, a value of 0 will use the current low value of the channel a value of 0.25 would start the effect at 25 percent of the channel. If limits are used in the morph channels ie a low limit of -25% and a max limit of 125% then 0.25 would mean the effect would start at 12.5%. Normally this value will be 0.


The upper limit of the morph channel percent range, normally this value will be 1 so the full range of the morph channel will be used but you can set this to define an upper limit, used with the low value above to define a range.

Use Curve

Use the curve to control the final percent value.


The curve that defines the percent value, here you can control complex interactions ie define a small bulge for the early start of an arm bend, then reduce it a little and then have super extra bulge if the arm really bends.

Set Start Rot

If using the Dot Angle or Angle source values above this button will define, you use this to set the reference rotation value that the source will be calculated against. So for an arm bend click this when the the arm is straight.

Set Min Val

Click this to automatically set the min value for the effect, so in normal use you set up your link and then position the bone or target where you want the effect to start then click this button to set the min value.

Set Max Val

Click this to automatically set the max value for the effect, so in normal use you set up your link and then position the bone or target where you want the effect to have full effect then click this button to set the max value.


Click to delete the link from the system.

Video Showing Morph Link in Action

Video showing the Morph Link system being used to drive a bicep bulge on an animated skinned arm.

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