Curve Sculpt Layered

This is a layer based version of the Curve Sculpt modifier, it allows you to add any number of Curve Layers to deform a mesh, each layer defines a region of the mesh it will deform and in which way the curve will deform the mesh. This is a very powerful modifier and using multiple layers you can really sculpt a mesh in all sorts of unusual or subtle ways.

Curve Sculpt Layered Param Description

Add Curve

Click to add a new sculpt layer to the modifier.


Is this layer enabled or not.


The axis mapped to the curve x axis. So if X is selected the percentage from the low value of the mesh bounds box or defined limit to the high value of the bounds or limit region will be used as the curve evaluation point.


The actual curve that defines the amount of deformation to apply based on the vertex being deformed normalised position in the bounds box or limit region along the axis defined above.


How much this layer influences the complete deformation, allows you to easily add in or remove layers or change the amount of deformation a layer produces.

Affect Off

Which axis the curve will offset, options are None, X, Y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ, XYZ


The offset amount for each axis that is multiplied by the curve value.

Affect Scl

Which axis the curve will scale, options are None, X, Y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ, XYZ


Turn on to define a limited region of the mesh to deform


The color of the regions bounding box


The local offset to the center of the limit bounding area.


The size of the limit bounding area.


The order layers are applied in can effect the end result use the Up button to move a layer up the stack.


The order layers are applied in can effect the end result use the Up button to move a layer up the stack.


Delete the layer from the stack.

Video Tutorial

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