The Path Deform modifier deforms an object using a spline as a path. You can move and stretch the object along the path, and rotate and twist it about the path. The usual gizmo and offset values can also be used to alter the look of the deformation. You can also opt to to describe the amount of stretch and twist via curves so the amount can vary along the length of a path.
This version of the modifier will transform the path to the local space of the object aligning it to the axis selected, for another version look at the World Path Deform version which will instead move the mesh to the path.
Path Deform Param Description
Moves the object along the path based on a percentage of the path length.
Scales the object along the path, using the object’s pivot point as the base of the scale.
Twists the object about the path. The twist angle is based on the rotation of one end of the overall length of the path. Typically, the deformed object takes up only a portion of the path, so the effect can be subtle.
Rotates the object about the path.
Changes the alignment of the path to local axis of the object
Reverses the direction
Path to deform along, must be a MegaShape object in the scene
Automatically move the object along the path.
Speed to move the object
Draw Path
Display the deformation path
How far to look ahead to get the direction of the path
Use Twist Curve
Use twist curve for amount fo twist along path
Use Stretch Curve
Use stretch curve for amount of stretch along curve
Twist Curve
Twist Curve
Stretch Curve
Stretch Curve
PathDeform Class
public float percent;
public float stretch;
public float twist;
public float rotate;
public MegaAxis axis;
public bool flip;
public MegaShape path;
public bool animate;
public float speed;
public bool drawpath;
public float tangent;
public bool UseTwistCurve;
public AnimationCurve twistCurve;
public bool UseStretchCurve;
public AnimationCurve stretchCurve;
Path Deform Example Video
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