
MegaShapes Update

Multi Material Layer
A new update for MegaShapes is now available, in this update we have re written the spline editing code to make it much niser and easier to use, we have removed the clutter of gizmos so now only the point you are editing will have a move gizmo displayed. We have also made it easier to add points to your spline by simply clicking the mid point circle a new knot will be added and on open splines you just need to click the circle gizmo past the end of the spline to add further knots to your spline.
Another new feature is a new smoothing method, this new system will always generate the smoothest spline through all your control points, and we added the option to automatically smooth as you drag a control point or add knots to the spline.
We have also added a custom undo system to the spline editing make it very simple to back track over any changes you make to the spline, you now just need to click the Undo button in the inspector.
And finally MegaShapes is fully Unity 5.6 compatible.

Video showing the new spline editing system, smoothing and Undo


Changes since v2.21
    MegaShapes is fully 5.6 compatible.
    Fixed negative dist value in terrain carve component causing an exception.
    Added new improved spline smoothing, you can now choose between old and new smoothing modes in the Shape Inspector. New method will produce a perfectly smooth spline through all the control points.
    Added option to auto smooth the spline when you drag a knot, this will recalc the knot control points if you have changed any.
    Lofts etc will auto update if a spline knot is deleted now.
    Lofts etc will auto update if a spline is reversed now.
    Rewritten the spline editing bit, making it easier to select and move spline knots and handles.
    Move gizmos are now only shown for the currently selected knot.
    To edit a spline knot you just need to click the green sphere for the point you want to edit, that will then select that point.
    Option to freeze y movement when editing spline points, useful if using the free move handle type.
    No need to click and drag mid point gizmos to add a new point you can now just click the circle to add a new knot.
    Move handles now point along the spline.
    Added extra circle gizmo at end of open spline for easier creation of splines by easily allowing addition of knot on the end.
    Add Undo system for spline editing, you can now undo any changes made to a splines knots by clicking the Undo Edit Spline button.
    Added option to set the max Undos that can be stored.
    Added option to Walk Loft Smooth to use a raycast, useful if your loft is conformed to the ground or otherwise moved from the loft spline.
    Fixed bug that caused splines to get corrupted if you tried to use the Spline animation builder on a spline with an imported animation.
    Added the missing SetHandles method to the MegaShapes API.

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