MegaFiers Update
There is a new version of MegaFiers in the AssetStore and on our webstore, since the last update post here we have added a few features to the spline system and fixed a few small bugs. The Point Cache system importer has been improved as has the OBJ importer for morphs. And the Wrap system has seen some fixes and can now properly be saved to Prefabs and multi object prefabs can also be made correctly now.
Changes since v2.94
- Fixed MegaShapeLightMapWindow problem when doing an app build.
- Changed the Copy Object system to work better with Wrapped objects. Use “GameObject/Mega Duplicate Object”
- Improved the Create Mega Prefab system. Use “GameObject/Create Mega Prefab”
- Added MegaCopyObject.DuplicateObject() method to allow you to copy Mega objects from script.
- You can now build lightmap data for MegaShape standard meshes.
- Changed OSM importer to use ulong for ids instead of int so can now handle complex OSM files.
- Fixed Shape labels being displayed if behind the camera.
- Added a beta OSM data importer. Click the Assets/Import OSM option.
- Fixed exception if trying to build a mesh with a shape with no splines.
- Fixed exception if trying to interpolate along a shape with no splines.
- Fixed exception if trying to interpolate a spline with no knots.
- Added a check to the Wrap system for skinned meshes with no bones being used as targets, system will now work in such cases.
- Changed the PC2 file importer to allow for files that do not contain all the samples indicated by the header.
- Added FindNearestPointXZ and FindNearestPointXZWorld methods to MegaShape API.
- Improved Move RigidBody along spline system example script MegaShapeRBodyPathNew, note it is an example script for you to base your own on.
- Added a break force option to RigidBody spline follow.
- Fixed a bug in the Load Targets option when using OBJ files with the morpher.
- Added more options to the Move Rigidbody along a spline script.
- Added option to the Walk Rope example scripts to check object is within the bounds of the bridge object. Enable Recalc Bounds on any rope bridge to use.
- Removed the unused function LoadTexture which was causing a compile error when building for webplayer.
- Added a warning in the Wrap system if you are trying to wrap to an object with no mesh.
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