
MegaShapes Update

Just added an update to MegaShapes v2.08, since the last update posted here we have made improvements to the Terrain carving, fixed some bugs and made a bunch of general improvements. We also added example scripts showing how to draw splines and lofts at runtime using the mouse or touch, also added an example script showing how to control rigid bodies with splines and we have added support for importing OSM (Open Street Map) files to splines. Below you can see a couple of videos showing the new draw system as well as the system to control Rigid bodies.

Drawing Splines and Lofts at Runtime Example

This video shows the new script included with MegaShapes that allows for splines or lofts to be drawn at by the user at runtime.
Draw Loft

Controlling Rigid Bodies with Splines

This video shows a car being controlled by a spline but still being free to go over obstacles etc.
Rigid Body Path

Changes since v1.97

    Fixed Shape labels being displayed if behind the camera.
    Added a beta OSM data importer. Click the Assets/Import OSM option.
    Added example script showing how to move a RigidBody object along a spline with forces.
    Added FindNearestPointXZ and FindNearestPointXZWorld methods to MegaShape API.
    Improved Move RigidBody along spline system example script MegaShapeRBodyPathNew, note it is an example script for you to base your own on.
    Added a break force option to RigidBody spline follow.
    Added more options to the Move Rigidbody along a spline script.
    Changed Clone Spline simple so position of layer is not linked to spline position, no need to duplicate the spline if used multiple times.
    Changed Clone Spline so position of layer is not linked to spline position, no need to duplicate the spline if used multiple times.
    Changed Clone Spline Rules so position of layer is not linked to spline position, no need to duplicate the spline if used multiple times.
    Fixed exception if trying to build a mesh with a shape with no splines.
    Fixed exception if trying to interpolate along a shape with no splines.
    Fixed exception if trying to interpolate a spline with no knots.
    Remove the SetActive warning from Draw Loft Component.
    Added in the Mega Mesh Page component.
    Added a new Scatter system (MegaLoftScatter) to allow you to scatter complete objects onto lofts.
    Tweaks to the Draw loft and Draw Spline components.
    Autocurve fixed so the last knots handles on an open spline are correct.
    Added a Draw Spline example script to make splines by drawing with the mouse at runtime.
    Added a Draw Loft example script to make new lofts by drawing with the mouse at runtime.
    Added a demo scene showing the draw spline system.
    Added draw loft example to the first tutorial scene.
    Fixed some potential errors in the constant speed interpolation.
    Smooth value is now a slider and shows results in realtime for easier use.
    Fixed Terrain Carve gizmo being offset from the loft.
    Fixed exception when first adding a terrain object to the terrain carve system.
    Made the default curves for the terrain carves correct for left and right.
    Terrain carve now works with open lofts.
    Terrain carve outline splines now use same interpolation settings as the loft spline for better results.
    Terrain carve Conform button will not appear in the inspector until the Save Heights button has been clicked to save confusion.
    Fixed bug in the WalkLoft GetLocalPoint method where it was not using the passed dist value.
    Fixed bug in the WalkLoftSmooth GetLocalPoint method where it was not using the passed dist value.
    Added GetPoint method to WalkLoft to get any point on the loft, as opposed to the GetLocalPoint which is relative to the current walk loft position.
    Added GetPoint method to WalkLoftSmooth to get any point on the loft, as opposed to the GetLocalPoint which is relative to the current walk loft smooth position.
    Further small changes to make compatible with Unity 5.0
    Fixed import warnings for the latest Unity 5 beta.

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