
MegaFiers and MegaShapes updates.

Been doing a lot of updates to MegaFiers and MegaShapes recently and below you can find all the changes to both systems since I last posted about updates. One of the main new features is we have added a per knot twist value to the spline system, you can control the twist via a gizmo in the editor for each knot of type in the values in the inspector, this now makes it a lot easier to add rotation to your spline meshes or to any loft that makes use of that spline. Also any other system that makes use of splines will now also take the twist into account so path follow for example. MegaShapes also sees a lot of bug fixes and improvements, check the list below.

Spline Knot Twists

Video showing the new knot based twisting working.
Knot Twist

MegaFiers BezPatch Deform

Video showing the Bez Patch deform object in MegaFiers
Bez Patch

Changes in MegaFiers

    Knot twist values now used by World Path Deform.
    Knot twist values now used by Path Deform.
    Changed the knot twist handle to make it simpler and less cluttered.
    Fixed a slowdown that could happen with twist handles enabled.
    Added beta support for twist values per knot.
    Knot twist value now used in the extruded mesh options box, tube and ribbon
    Path Follow script can use knot twist values
    Character Follow script fixed.
    New methods in API to Interpolate and get twist along with position
    Added a BuildSplineWorld method to the api so splines can be built from world space points.
    Added a beta of a new path follow script that will allow characters to be constrained to a path but otherwise be allowed to move freely and jump etc while on that path MegaCharacterFollow.cs

Changes in MegaShapes

    Fixed the Create Layer popup window so the params are correct for all layer types now.
    You can now select the spline to use in the Complex loft layer when the path shape has more than one spline.
    Walk Loft smooth works correctly when loft uses a curve value other than 0
    Walk Loft works correctly when loft uses a curve value other than 0
    Curve value now works correctly on Clone Spline Rules layer
    Fixed end caps being one tri short in some cases on simple loft layer
    Fixed bug causing extra un needed vertex being added per cross section in simple loft layer
    Fixed bug where a duplicated layer was not showing up in the until its vertex count changed.
    Fixed the exception that was reported when layers were copied.
    Fixed bug where you could not set the init values in the layer create window for simple and complex lofts.
    Complex loft now works with knot twist values.
    Clone Spline Simple layer now works with knot twist values
    Clone Spline layer now works with knot twist values
    Clone Spline Rules layer now works with knot twist values
    Scatter Spline layer now works with knot twist values
    Walk Loft smooth now works with complex lofts as well.
    Walk Loft smooth bug fixed where position was wrong if loft not at 0,0,0
    Walk Loft smooth now works with the twist values
    Changed the knot twist handle to make it simpler and less cluttered.
    Fixed a slowdown that could happen with twist handles enabled.
    Added beta support for twist values per knot, currently works for Simple Loft Layer.
    Knot twist value now used in the extruded mesh options box, tube and ribbon
    Path Follow script can use knot twist values
    Character Follow script fixed.
    New methods in API to Interpolate and get twist along with position
    Added a BuildSplineWorld method to the api so splines can be built from world space points.
    Fixed a bug in the Simple Loft layer where the cross section vertices were not calculated correctly.
    Added another option to the Simple Layer UV params, ‘Calc Y’ will work like Phys UV but keep uv x between 0 and 1 and calc y based on length.
    Added a beta of a new path follow script that will allow characters to be constrained to a path but otherwise be allowed to move freely and jump etc while on that path MegaCharacterFollow.cs

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