MegaScatter Released
We have just released MegaScatter the procedural object placement system and it is available now on our Webstore or in a couple of days from the Unity AssetStore at an early adopter price of $50. The docs for the system are available now on the website if you select the MegaScatter option on the left hand menu you will find the pages that describe what it does, the various scatter objects and the scripting API etc. We have also uploaded the Demo made using our MegaScatter system, all objects in the scene apart from the house, well and trees are generated and positioned at run time. It is quite a complex scene but you can open the options and adjust the detail setting to increase or reduce the amount of objects scattered in the scene. You can also toggle the various image effects. Hold Mouse Left button to swing the camera, wheel to zoom and keys W and S to roll the ball.
We will be uploading some tutorial videos on the system over the coming week as well as adding more requested features to the system, so if there is anything you would like to see let us know.
Click Image to launch demo
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