
MegaShapes Conform feature

Just submitted an update for MegaShapes which sees a tiny bug fix for those who were getting an exception when creating Lofts from scratch via scripting, and we have also added a beta of a new feature. We were asked if lofts work with Terrains and we thought that it would be nice if they did so we have added a ‘Conform’ feature to the Simple Loft layer (other layers will also get have it in the next update). With this feature you can select per layer an object for the loft to conform to, it could be a terrain or a mesh object, the system will then make the loft fit the target object, so you can now create simple flat road loft and then have that go over a terrain object. You can adjust how much the loft will conform to the target as well as set an offset so it can float above the target. The loft will update in real time if you change the terrain or mesh or move the spline etc and any other loft layer that uses the conforming one will automatically update as well, so fence layers or objects placed on a loft will all stay positioned.

MegaShapes Conform

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