
MegaShapes Real time Loft demo

Just finishing off a little demo that shows the loft system in MegaShapes being used to create a little track for some cows to run along. The track can be edited at runtime by dragging spheres which mark the spline control points, as you drag the track updates. The fence on the object is a loft layer so that also automatically updates. The jumps are positioned using the Walk Loft system so again will automatically position themselves correctly and orientate themselves to the track. The trees are scattered at runtime along the edges and again make use of the Walk Loft system, this time they have one dof removed so that they will always point upwards, the amount they point up can be controlled if needs be. The cows are also created at runtime and are again moved around the track using the walk loft. And finally there are some boats in the scene that are using the shape follow system. On the outside the boats use multiple splines in the follow and a little extra helper script keeps an eye on when a boat is getting close to one ahead and will change the weighting on the paths in the follow script so the boat moves to an overtaking path. The texture graduation on the sides is done using the newly added vertex color option which controls blending of up to 4 textures with the shaders included with the system.

I will be uploading a video of the demo and hopefully put a webplayer demo up soon as well.