
MegaFiers and MegaShapes are updated.

We have just released updates to both MegaFiers and MegaShapes, we have added the dynamic Hose system to the basic version of MegaShapes so you will find it in MegaFiers as well (a late Christmas present). Also in MegaFiers we have a couple of menu items and methods to help with using deformed objects in your scene, there is a ‘Mega Create Instance’ now which will copy the selected object into the scene but without all the MegaFier components and if you change the original object the instance object will also change, and to go with that we added ‘Mega Deep Copy’ which will allow copying of deformed objects in the scene and allow the copy to be deformed independently, we had this before but it didn’t work for Skinned deformed objects but now it does. We also fixed a bug in the Point Cache Animator system which stopped it working correctly and more importantly we found a bug in the Maya blendshape animation system which meant the playback could look wrong. If you are a Maya user then please do request the latest exporter and make sure to get the latest MegaFiers updates if you noticed errors in the animation playback.

The complete list of changes for each system are below:

Changes for version 2.25 of MegaFiers

    Removed error when platform set to Flash.
    Mega Deep Copy added to GameObject menu which will allow copying of objects and skinned objects in the scene, MegaCopyObject.DeepCopy(obj) can be used from script.
    Fixed bug in Point Cache Animator that stopped it working.
    Added Mega Create Instance to GameObject menu to make proper instance copies of Modified objects in the scene. MegaCopyObject.InstanceObject(obj) can be used from script.
    Added Mega Hose system to MegaShapes, easily connect two objects with a flexible hose.
    Added Mega Hose Attach to MegaShapes, attach objects to the hose.
    Fixed a bug in the morph animation playback when used with mor files exported from Maya.
    Maya morph exporter updated to fix animation issue.

Changes for version 1.34 of MegaShapes

    Replaced use of with GameObject.SetActiveRecursively() to be compatible with Unity 4.0.1
    Added Mega Hose system to MegaShapes, easily connect two objects with a flexible hose.
    Added Mega Hose Attach to MegaShapes, attach objects to the hose.
    NormMap renamed to avoid naming clash.
    MOrbit.cs script renamed to avoid errors if installed with MegaFiers

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