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Author Topic: Large amount (10K) child objects, bend
Posts: 2
Post Large amount (10K) child objects, bend
on: October 7, 2013, 22:23


I have a scene with a large ball and lots (5-10K) of very small elements on the ball. for example think of earth and mega-cities on it, where each city is a small pyramid. Currently, the elements are gameobjects , created at run time (randomly) on the ball, and they are child elements of the ball.

I want the ball to bend/morph and accordingly the elements on it, so they will not be "hanged on the air".

2 q:
1. (simple) for some reason, when i apply bend to the ball, the child elements stay on the sphere that was the ball before it was bent, and not bend with the ball. Must i build attach objects at run time (and if so - how) or the parent-child relation should make them bend also (and if so - what am i doing wrong) ?
2. (more complex) this entire design is CPU intensive. A better design is to make the elements not game objects, but only change the model of the ball (make small pyramids on it surface), and then compute somehow for each bend operation the modified position of each point. Is this possible ?
that is - given a point position (x10K), and a bend operation, get the new location of each point ?

Thanks In advance, Best

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