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Author Topic: Modifing FFD lattice without deforming an object
Posts: 13
Post Modifing FFD lattice without deforming an object
on: December 11, 2012, 18:40


I would like to ask whether it is possible to adjust the FFD without deforming the object. When I uncheck mod enabled I can adjust points but when I check it back the object is deformed to match new position of the control points which is undesired for me. I am think about the similar functionality that is available in 3ds max where I can adjust the point without affecting the object.

Thank you in advance,


Posts: 148
Post Re: Modifing FFD lattice without deforming an object
on: December 11, 2012, 21:42

The FFD modifier does its binding at creating time so currently if you disable the system, then move a control point then re enable it then as you say the vertices will move. I can look at adding a rebinding on re enable but can I ask what is it you are doing that needs this?

Posts: 13
Post Re: Modifing FFD lattice without deforming an object
on: December 12, 2012, 15:59

Thank you for such a fast response.

I have some anatomical structures that I want to deform. Because of different mechanical properties, the behavior is not uniform. I know that there are ways around that problem when the model is created, e.g. diving it into multiple models but the approach present in 3ds max, i.e. volume adjustment, allows better control of subregions leaving the stiff parts completely unchanged.

I believe this addition to the current FFD system would be very beneficial.

Great job anyway!

P.S. Did you think about adding an equivalent of FFDbox with custom number of points?

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