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Author Topic: Breaking Wave
Posts: 1
Post Breaking Wave
on: July 2, 2012, 05:39

Hello Chris,

Congratulations on Mega-Fiers, a fantastic piece of software.

I was wondering if it is an appropriate tool to simulate a 3D ocean wave that is breaking.

I've seen the wave modifier and it is indeed a wave that is not breaking.

So basically, can it model a wave that breaks on a beach?



Posts: 148
Post Re: Breaking Wave
on: July 2, 2012, 11:01

You could use the path deform with an animated spline to do a breaking wave. Actually I have been looking at the Surfs Up paper from Sony with a view to doing a surf wave demo for MegaShapes, I just need to sort myself out and animated 2d wave spline and then using the complex loft should be able to quite easily have a controllable breaking wave system.

If you have Max then you can try and see if you can get the effect you are looking for and if you can do it in Max and the same modifiers are available in MegaFiers then you should be able to recreate it in Unity. That's the thing about the modifier system if you have the right imagination then you can do pretty much anything. The other option you have is to use the point cache animation system so again if you can somehow in your 3d package create the wave you want then you can bake that to a point cache file and play that back using the Point Cache Modifier.

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