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Author Topic: Version 1.88 released to Asset Store
Posts: 148
Post Version 1.88 released to Asset Store
on: May 4, 2012, 16:26

I have just submitted version 1.88 to the Asset store. This version sees major improvements to the FFD modifiers with up to 4 times speed increase as well as easier to use editing of the lattice points with position handles, size of handles and mirroring of the inputs. The FFD lattice will now fit around the current selection if there is one but if that is not desired you can select in the context menu to fit the lattice to the entire mesh.

The Copy Object system has been improved and you can now copy an object and all its children if you like via the GameObject menu options of Mega Copy Object or Mega Copy Hier, this makes creating copies of deformed objects a lot easier.

Other changes include morphs can now have channel values outside of 0 to 100 range, and rubber modifier allows for a another object to drive the effect. I have also added the beta of the Morph Link system which allows you to link morph channel percents to bone or object transforms, this makes things like muscle bulges very easy to do, you just add the component to an object and choose whether you want the morph driven from the rotation, position or scale and from which axis and choose the morph and channel to drive and that's it, so if your animated character bends his elbow you can automatically have a bicep morph change, or setup a complete rig of controls to drive avatar systems etc. This is a work in progress so any ideas or suggestions please do share.

Changes in v1.88:

  • Added an axis param to the Cylindrify modifier
  • CopyObject now copies MegaModifyObject params as well
  • FFD now has option for position handles instead of free handles for easier editing
  • FFD has a size option for handles
  • FFD has mirror x/y/z option to allow easier adjusting of lattice
  • Rubber modifier now has an option to pick a target transform to control the effect
  • Added color option to FFD Gizmo
  • Added undo for FFD lattice point move
  • Greatly improved performance of FFD modifiers
  • FFD will fit lattice to selection is present
  • Context menu item for fitting FFD to selection
  • Context menu item for fitting FFD to mesh
  • World Path Deform optimized
  • Copy Object no longer adds MegaModifyObject if not needed
  • Added Copy Object Hier to copy an object and all its children
  • Morph now supports values outside of 0 to 100 percent and respects Min and Max values
  • Beta of Morph Link system which allows morphs to be easily driven by other object positions or rotations so easy to drive a bicep muscle bulge from arm bone rotation for example
  • phixell
    Posts: 2
    Post Re: Version 1.88 released to Asset Store
    on: May 14, 2012, 00:35

    Is there a way to animate the FFD modifier.

    Posts: 148
    Post Re: Version 1.88 released to Asset Store
    on: May 14, 2012, 10:59

    Hi There
    You can access and control the lattice points via a set of Get and Set methods. So you can manage the points how ever you like.

    public Vector3 GetPoint(int i)
    public Vector3 GetPoint(int i, int j, int k)
    public void SetPoint(int i, int j, int k, Vector3 pos)
    public void SetPointLocal(int i, int j, int k, Vector3 lpos)
    public void MovePoint(int x, int y, int z, Vector3 localmove)
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