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Author Topic: Morph Animate Breaks Morph Playback
Posts: 2
Post Morph Animate Breaks Morph Playback
on: December 11, 2013, 20:01

I am not sure how I got to this point but here is the scenario.

I have applied a base object and two morphs to the Morph Plugin. I then applied Morph Animate to the object. I then timelined the morphs. When I move the trackhead the morphs play back . I then playback in game mode and nothing works. When I get back to the scene and move the track head the morphs no longer work. The only way to fix this is to remove the components and reapply. When I go into game mode again the morphs no longer work again.

Game mode causes the following red exclamation error in my console.

"Game object is destroyed and cannot be referenced"

Thank you for your help

Posts: 148
Post Re: Morph Animate Breaks Morph Playback
on: December 11, 2013, 20:10

Hi There
We cant provide support through the forum if you can submit a support ticket, link at the top of the page. And if you can included a step by step guide to create the issue that would be handy. We will need to know the version of MegaFiers you are using, the version of Unity as well as the invoice number, and for morphs how the morph data was built and is it animated in your 3d package.

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