A Note about emails

We have a number of different addresses for you to use depending upon the nature of your email. Using the correct address will help us greatly and you will have a better chance of getting a reply. Thank you.

Please only use one email address. It is rather confusing when the same email arrives at more than one destination.




enquiries@west-racing.com For general enquiries about West Racing and/or Racing Legends.


webmaster@west-racing.com To report a problem with the website.


complaints@west-racing.com If you wish to register a complaint concerning anything to do with our website, us or our products.


suggestions@west-racing.com If you have an idea which you think deserves to be included.


chris@west-racing.com Email for Chris West. Technical questions.


tony@west-racing.com Email for Tony West. Artistic and design questions.


We make every effort to respond to all our emails but sometimes it is simply not feasible to reply to everyone. If you do not receive a reply within a week please try again. If we spend all our time answering emails we are not developing Racing Legends.